We are proud to newly represent PANASIA. With experiences specializing in shipbuilding industries and skilled people understanding the characteristics of shipping industries, PANASIA came up with the easiest, safest, and simplest solution for ballast water treatment system based on effective filtration and UV irradiation since 2010.
This technology has been proved and widely used to disinfect the harmful organisms in the ballast water without producing any toxic substance.
This simple configuration of GloEn-Patrol has combined the filtration unit with a filter element which provides the most effective and efficient back flushing function than any other conventional filters can do, and medium pressured UV lamps which give customers assurance to long lasting treatment and disinfection of the ballast water in ballasting and de-ballasting stage. In addition, this uniquely engineered and designed filter and UV lamp are manufactured by PANASIA’S own technologies to provide the upmost quality, reasonable price and on time delivery to the customers